Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

This is the costume I wanted to get for India, but didn't order it in time. So – I improvised!

This is what she really wore for Halloween.


Staring at her daddy

Sleeping on mommie's shoulder.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I think I've made my decision.

After long talks with my mom, my sister, Amy and Danny - and a few sobs and pumps later - I've decided that it's time. My baby girl will be fine when I switch her over to formula, and will probably have an easier time. I'm calling her doctor to find out the best method of switching her over and will probably start this weekend. Wish me luck! I'm sure I'll have a few more cries, but I think it's better for everyone, including myself.


Just got word from my mom that India slept for six hours straight this morning. I can't believe it! Too bad it wasn't last night when I was trying to sleep. Oh well.

To Breastfeed or Not To Breastfeed... That is the question.

This week Danny and I are debating on when to switch India to formula. So far the breast feeding has gone well. I pump while I'm at work and then store the milk for India while she's at my mom's house. When we're together, I feed her. This past week was kind-of rough for me. Sunday I had some problems with engorgement and also had really sore nips (tmi). It seems like every other day now I have some kind of issue. On Monday, I wasn't producing as much  milk and yesterday my nips were sore again (I know, I know). So anyway, Danny suggested that we switch India to formula starting in November to relieve me of some of the stress, responsibility and occasional pain. If we do that, he will get more time with her since he will be able to feed her too. He doesn't get a lot of time with her because he works so much, so this will give him the chance to start bonding with her a little more when he is at home.

I just don't know. In a way, changing her to formula sounds like a great idea. I could use the break. But at the same time, I don't want to do it for selfish reasons. With that said, I don't want to keep breast feeding for selfish reasons either. I know I will miss it once I stop. It's so hard to explain to someone who hasn't experienced it, but when I breast feed I feel like I am really caring for her. When I think about stopping I cry. There is such a bond that we share when I feed her. But at the same time am I keeping her from bonding with her father?

Convenience (for all of us)
Control (qty and content)
More time/bonding with Danny
Don't have to pump at work
Takes less time
Won't be all dependent on me

More expensive

For some reason I can't think of any more cons than that. I've been told that formula has all the same stuff that breast milk has and that it's fine. So why shouldn't I switch?  :(

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Big Smiles!

India is staying up longer in between her feedings and is also reacting more to her surroundings. She loves to stare at her ladybug mobile and bumpers and also likes to stare at stuff hanging on the walls. She turns to the sound of my voice and you can tell she is trying really hard to focus on my face. She's making more noises and if you make different noises her eyes get really big and she will smile. Nana makes noises at her all the time (cause she's crazy like that) and India really seems to enjoy it. She's so cool. I wish I had more time with her. Maybe one day... 

I'm going to start playing the Lotto!!

Saturday, October 18, 2008