Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, December 29, 2008

Photos from First Christmas

Here are the photos from India's first Christmas. We spent the day at Nana's house with both grandparents and Uncle Troy & Aunt Kristen.

Here are the boys (Shane, Jason & Danny) admiring Shane's new Natural Gas Grill.

Granny cuddling with India.

Kristen about to open a present.

Trixie being cute, like always.

Danny listening intently.

India and I looking at some of her new clothes!

Granny opening a present. Don't mind her injuries. They're battle wounds from trying to pet Nemo over the fence. He jumped up and scratched her. BAD DOG!

Gus relaxing after christmas dinner.

Mom opening her present (it's a Coach purse - she likey).

Opening more presents.

Coolest baby shoes ever! (she has to grow into them)

PawPaw checking out his present.

Uncle Troy and India talking.

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