Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Been Over 9 Months!

Well, 9months have come and gone! It's all happening so fast!! India is now pulling up in her crib and on anything else she can get a good grip on. She has been crawling for a couple of weeks - actually started the day after her 9month doctor's appointment. We've had a few issues the past couple of weeks, and that's why I haven't updated yet. India, Danny and I have all been sick. I think we've been passing around the yucky bug. India had a sinus infection and they suspected a urinary tract infection because she was running fever for at least four days in a row. They put her on antibiotics. Those messed up her stomach pretty bad and gave her a rash. Not sure if she was allergic to them or if they were just that harsh. She is off them now and recovery nicely. She's eating and drinking really good now, but went through a rough couple of weeks. Poor thing. Even through all the drama and belly aches and fever she was just the cutest and happiest baby in the world. She is such a joy to be around. The best thing about her being sick was that I had to take time off of work to care for her...and I really loved being around her so much. I just can't tell you how cool she is.

Well, she had her 9month appointment on 5-20-09. These were her stats:
Weight: 19lbs 1oz
Height: Coming Soon (I don't have the infowith me and can't remember)
She was in the 50-75% for weight and still only 25% for height. She's so freakin' cute! LOL.

Alright. Well that's it for now. I will update again soon!! And post some pictures.

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